Now that we've caught up, let's have fun!!!
In less than a month this country shall be my new home as I begin my service as a volunteer in the United States Peace Corps! I am apart of the rural education development program, where I will teach English to students grades 5-9.
What is the Peace Corps? It was presented and created by John F. Kennedy (along with others working with him) in 1961. Here is a clip of President Kennedy talking about it before it existed yet (how amazing!)
For more information about the peace corps go to their website.
What made you choose the Peace Corps? What a loaded question but the long and short of it is, it chose me. Love is why. Love has taken me every step of the way in my life to date. So when I ran into the peace corps on my path, it was like, "ok, yes I will proceed as I always have, step by step, Love leading the way".
What do you want/hope to accomplish? I want to create, share, spread and BE love to all I come in contact with. This is my goal everyday.
Do you think with all the problems in the world, and the great evil that though this journey may be noble can the good be sustainable? Can one really make a difference? Yes! The world is large but when you put it next to a star (just one) in the universe say like the quicly begins to look like an ant! How amazing, the earth is so small yet the Lord knows the amount of hair on each head. There is great evil in our world, absolutely but there is incredible, miraculous, unbelievable good in this same world! I will continue to invest in the outrageously good that is beautiful and very present, for every time I add to the swelling of light, I kill and destroy evil so I will continue. Lastly the world is filled with individuals, which make up families, communities, and nations. If other individuals have caused ripples and waves in the ocean, can I not also create a splash? When I see the world I don't see numbers, I see lives, individuals, people just like me, who need love. If I can uplift and provide that for one, I can do it for another.
People need help here, why don't you do this here? This is very true, I do this here in different ways as the Lord leads and that won't change (this blog is one way) because again my goal everyday is to be love. God has just expanded me. As I said this chose me so I am going where I am led. It is more important to not lean to your own understanding, instead be led by the one who created you and understanding. You can't go wrong with Him. Proverbs 3:5-6, 1 John 4:8.
What if people are mean or don't like you? I will love, forgive, love some more and strive to be kind, like I do here. I will repeat this cycle as often as needed as I have to do here. People are much more similar than what we give credit. My help comes from the Lord, His grace and power is sufficient to help and equip me in all situations, difficult and pleasant. But what if they are not mean, and they like me? (That is just as much a possibility as the negative thought.) That is what I hope for, and my hope is in the Lord, not me or situations, only Him.
Is it safe? I was not created to fear, or live as safely as possible. There is no one who has truly brought major changes to our world for better or worse, who was always 100% safe. There are always risks in everything whether we realize it or not. God did not give me a spirit of fear, but of love (there it is) power, and a sound mind. So I'm gonna use what He gave me and remember that He is everywhere, and with me presently always, it doesn't get any safer than that. There is no place I'd rather be than with Him, He is safety, He is Love. Psalm 4:8, Psalm 121:7, Philippians 4: 6-8,13.
Is this mission work? No, The Peace Corps is a government program, it is not affiliated with any religious organization. You can come from any background to apply to the corps. Missionaries however often do sometimes similar work as far as helping people in their host countries where there are needs in efforts to build strong communities and countries. I believe that I am a missionary, maybe not in the way many think but I believe we are all created with abilities, gifts, resources etc that are to be expressed and shared with the world as it will ameliorate the life of individuals, communities, and nations (why else would we have something if not to share it to make people and the places we live better including ourselves) They are both humble and meek positions. Watch the clip of JFK it will explain in greater detail.
Do you get paid? We do not receive a salary but the corps will take care of our living expenses and provide housing etc. We will live like our neighboring citizens.
How long will you be in Zambia? It is a 2 year commitment with an additional 3 month training period.
Are you alone? During training we live with host families where we learn culture, language, safety, cooking, and so much more. After that, it depends but what I've seen mostly in past peace corp Zambian volunteers they have lived in their home on the compound of a family. I am thinking my experience will probably be like that as well. But again even if I was "alone", I am never alone.
Do you have to learn a new language? Yes, I am excited! I love languages, I would also like to pick up again my German as well. Ich leibe Deutschland:)
I'm sure many of you may have questions that I did not answer. Feel free to write in the comments your questions and I will try to respond. Thanks for following my blog...and pre-departure of this new adventure I am about to embark upon. I look forward to hearing from you and I'm praying for you.
Love aggressively all people always, for you and I are loved unconditionally always. So be encouraged:)
In His love,