Chishimba Falls in Northern Province after just arriving in our new Province from training. Stunning....also a time for wading, and swimming in the water.'s that time where they swarm....and people collect them and fry them up. Don't know that I have the nerve to eat them but....yeah I've heard other volunteers say they have, and it wasn't that bad.
I had the privaledge to give a speech thanking the Principal of the school we trained at during training, in Mambwe the local language I was studying.
Each group divided by languages also perfomed a cultrural presentation for Cultural Day. We were the Mambwes. Davy (our Language teacher) Luke, Myself, and James....dancing with our shoulders the way Mambwe's dance.
The Pig that was sacrificed for our Thanksgiving dinner...watched the whole thing. Sad but very quick, and learned to have a deeper appreciation for the food I eat and is prepared. Everytime we eat meat, a live animal is sacrificed for us. I don't want to take that for granted anymore.
Me on my roof, I was nervous as it can be slippery with shoes...but in the great words of my dear Zambians..."I managed".
One of my little ones Dinah the older one and Meleby....first cousins....Meleby is my host parents youngest.
Well everyone that's all for now....more later
In His love,