Well I'm writing this blog to share a secret, though not so secret to some....my love for fashion. Though I hardly wear heels I still love clothes and fashion. I love looking good, but being comfortable is very important to me. The reason why stilettos and I broke up years ago is because I was no longer willing to sacrifice myself for her beauty.
To learn more about the history of chitenge's check out this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitenge
Around the village we use chitenge's for many things. Towels after bathing, aprons, decorations, carrying things, babies, also wear it over your nice clothes to protect them from dirt.
As I stated before chitenge are turned into beautiful clothing but also bags, purses and so much more. Take a look.
She looks good honey!
I see this all the time. My closest neighbor came back from the bush with her baby and carrying wood on her head. It's hard to lift the amount let alone carry it on your head. The women are so strong.
Here are some styles I like and hope to get something made like it, or close to it.
Love this look. (I couldn't wear shorts like this in Zambia...thighs are considered private area but in America and other places where this is not the case....can't wait)
So fierce, I love it.
I'm hoping the ones I'm currently waiting for come out like this.
I love this free flowing skirt.
I like this.
So regal!
I've started
and I will keep going!
Here's to chitenge's!
Love you all,