At every moment we have the amazing ability to speak life or speak death. One way the enemy tries to get us to speak death is by lying to us, in hopes that we believe them. Beloved, when we believe something, it takes root in us and we naturally talk about it. Well lies work that way too, if we hear a lie for instance..."I'm fat" even though I may be 5'8, 135lb, if you hear it long enough And Believe it....what happens? You begin to speak it out, even though it is NOT TRUE because you believe it, it becomes true to you and begin to live out the lie. This is a way satan tries to destroy us from the inside out.
In this video I want to encourage and challenge you to wake up to, yet not submit to the attacks and lies thrown at you on a daily basis from the enemy. Instead recognize them, cast them down in the name of Jesus and focus on Christ, the way, the TRUTH, and the Life. Don't believe lies about yourself, about others, even if you've been doing it for a long time, you can still change. God is your greatest fan, He is rooting for you, He believes in you, and He wants you to win! I love you all; Be Encouraged!
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