Saturday, December 27, 2014


I have recently been reading about reaching goals and at the end of the chapter, I was asked a question that rocked me to the core and the question was simple.... "What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?"

Before my mind could totally process, I had already answered quickly what I would do; there was silence. It was in that silence I knew instinctively "then you should be doing that." So what is stopping us, what causes us to wait and not take action?

A few things come to mind.

1. The fear of Failure. Let's face it, we don't like to mess up, look bad, and it's human nature. We're all similar in that way. But we don't need to be so afraid we don't do anything, or even try because that is when we fail. Here are a few quotes to ponder.

"Failure isn't fatal, but failure to change might be." (John Wooden)

"Everything you want is on the other side of fear" (Jack Canfield)

"It's failure that gives you the proper perspective on success" (Ellen Degeneres)

"I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work" (Thomas Edison)

So failure is inevitable but we must push through the fear to get to the greatness on the other side. I'm sure most of you know how to ride a bike. In order to learn to ride a bike you will fall at times. It does not feel good, sometimes it even hurts, but we keep getting back up because that failure drives us to keep going until....we are riding! We also can see ourselves riding successfully even when our balance and footwork seem to say otherwise. When you see yourself riding before you actually are, you won't stop until you actually are! (That is faith in a nutshell)

So as the new year approaches let's change our mindsets, rebuke lies, and fear that say you can't do it, it's not realistic, it doesn't make sense. Yes it does, because you already can see it. Just do it! The marketplace needs what you have but only you can give it to us. No one can give you me, but me. We benefit from each others gifts, lets push through those obstacles together and be the change that we so desperately want to see. God is for us, who can be against again I say, WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR? Let's Go!

In the comments tell me some things you would do if you couldn't fail...I would love to pray for you...or better yet show me the things that you were afraid of that you now have accomplished. 

In case you are interested in the book I'm reading it's called The Big Gig (Big picture thinking for success) by Zoro a famous percussionist.

Be blessed, and be encouraged, be encouraging, subscribe, share, tell others about it that they too might be uplifted.

In His love,


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