Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Happy Independence Day Zambia!

Image result for pic of zambian flagImage result for pic of zambian flag

Today is October 24, 2015, and Zambia has been independent for 51 years now. Can you imagine if just 51 years ago the USA was still controlled by another country? So being here, I can only imagine what it felt like being independent the first couple of years in the United States, for those who were allowed to participate.  So I celebrate and pray for Zambia as they continue to celebrate during this time and hope that the country and the leaders of this beautiful country keep pushing Zambia forward.
To catch you up, I have been living in my village now since the beginning of September and it has been going well. I’ve started two groups so far, and have taught a number of times at school. During Community Entry, we are really suppose to spend most of our time getting to know our community so we’re not supposed to teach….but I have. I’ve also done a lot of tutoring of students who have asked, and were serious.

Image result for pic of welcoming rain

Image result for pic of welcoming rain 
Image result for pic of welcoming rain

 In other news it has rained about five or six times now! It’s so crazy and exciting to just experience a climate where part of the year it doesn’t rain and then when it does you’re happy. We just don’t have that in the states…but all throughout our training at times we the Peace Corps Volunteers (pcv’s) would look at the sky and say, it’s definitely going to rain, and sure enough the Zambian staff would assure us, “no it’s not, you’re fine, it’s not rainy season.” So the first time it did somewhere the end of September, I was in sheer shock. However, with a thatched roof you have to make sure you have the plastic lining your roof well, or the natural beauty of rain will be a mess. My roof is getting worked on right now. The other draw back is that the same plastic that protects you from rain, debris, and the like also attracts…..RATS So people say oh get a cat and you’ll be fine. Well Nuisha my cat is still quite young and I am thankful that I never have seen a mouse (it makes me feel better to say that) like on the floor of my house. Three days ago I did see two run on the roof to the outside above my bedroom. That was enough, I told my Yataata we have to do the roof asap and get rid of these now because I can’t deal. To make a then very stressful situation better…they are on it and I am very grateful. Let’s just say once my plastic was removed….it was very apparent that many had made homes in my roof…and it sent me over the edge and I cried for the first time since I’ve been here. So without the plastic they don’t come b/c it isn’t stable enough for them….but you will also have rain and debri everywhere. With plastic they want to make a home but with a lot of poison and Nuisha safely staying at my parents house, we hope to kill them and the plastic will be up Monday, the old nests will be gone praise God ( I can’t stand to look at that) and my roof will be finished ASAP. Before leaving for church my Dad checked to see if any had fallen dead in the house…but he saw nothing…fine by me. We’re thinking they died maybe in the roof or ate food went away and died. I definitely heard sounds that sounded closer and then further away…and one I thought sounded like he could have been hurting but I don’t know. I didn’t see anything around the house either. Needless to say more poison is going up today and also my neighbors to send the warning to the whole rodent community to STAY OUT! So my principle and community have heard the message and are on it and I am beyond grateful. If I remember I'll take a pic of the nest….not a fan. Because Nuisha is only two months old she or he I don’t actually know but time WILL tell…sorry I digressed. Nuisha is still growing but later on she/he will be the Hercules of the compound. 

In other news another pcv…has started a radio show with her family and friends back home…and I want to do the same as well. It’s quite hilarious and I will be picking her brain as to how she sends it out to the masses. One thing I also like was the question and answer section she has. People will ask questions and then she will respond. I love that, so again if you have questions about anything I would love to reply. So leave comments and I will get to them…and it’s also nice to hear a voice you haven’t heard in a while…btw I still sound the same.
(pics of me being silly…and clear clean water)
This leads me to my final thought of today. Sameness. You think that people change b/c there far away, and I guess it happens to certain degrees but I’m still just Imade (Mahdee as many pronounce it). Yes my bathroom now is a hole in the ground but I still don’t like putting my shoes on wet surfaces…haha my standard has not changed. There was a football final in my village which means wet surfaces in the chims  (Imagine a festival with the porter potties…which I never went into). I was charging my electronics at my teachers when nature called…but I was ready. I carry toilet paper and hand sanitizer with me. In I walk in and the wetness greeted me…so I do what I have to do and once out, like my cat, I’m rubbing my feet on the dirt…like get off my shoes and sanitize immediately and then I’m good. So humans adapt but that doesn’t mean I just love everything….I come ready and do what I have to do to find peace in gross situations. I still don’t like dirty dish water and food debris in the water still disgust me….that will not change. So I have gloves that I use or other times I’m just willing to use more water to make sure my washing bucket stays free of that. So don’t think everything has to change in your life to do something you feel might be considered hard. We just adapt in ways that will bring us satisfaction while doing the harder thing, it’s worth it b/c then you still have a great attitude, and God gets the glory. Well that’s all for now until next time, I love you be encouraged.


Predator and the Prey
Fourth Eye..: Rare Birds
Upon arrival of visiting a dear friend, as I was walking to her house, I saw a dead bird. Initially I was shocked because I don’t often see dead birds along the sidewalk, a woodpecker at that. But there he was. I was a little sad, but really didn’t give myself time to process it but I knew I felt bad that he was dead on the sidewalk. After embracing my friend, who I hadn’t seen in months, I told her there was a dead bird on the sidewalk. After a closer look, she quickly saw that the bird was not dead, then I looked and I saw his little chest moving, now I was sad. It was a male woodpecker, he had become my friend and he was dying. This little bird was a living creature, had breath in his body, just like me, we both had life but his was ending and I didn’t think there was anything I could do. As these thoughts went through my mind, my friend said, “I can’t leave him here like this”.  After talking with another neighbor who had also seen our Mr. Woody (he was the woodpecker that Woody the Woodpecker based off of) he presumed with all of the hawks that fly around, that he probably was attacked by a hawk, a much larger bird. I learned a great deal from this experience, which in reality was only about five minutes or less, but I would like to share it with you.

As soon as my friend said, “I can’t leave him here” she picked up our dear one who was not long to be in this world and placed him in the crevice of a bedding, off the busy sidewalk, in the shade, and laid him as comfortably as she could, as he had an injury to his head and one of his wings.  Hearing her words, “I can’t leave him here” I thought, why didn’t I think of that? Where was I, where did I go? I kept thinking there was nothing I could do. The Lord revealed to me, “you did think that, I gave you that thought too” and sure enough I remembered the quick passing thought. We can be so focused on the horror of the situation, that we stand still, and unfortunately do nothing but gaze at it. Then this thought came, “well moving him didn’t do much good, he still was going to die”….but truthfully that thought comes because we didn’t do anything, in order to justify the paralysis. Where did that thought come from though? Seeing her gently move him to a comforting place of rest was transformative. I can always do something, who told me I couldn’t?

Thought Waterfall | My secret to staying productive and creative ...

We too have a predator and many times his attacks are not direct, in the way we expect. Sometimes like in this case he can implant thoughts that say things like, “no need in trying, nothing can be done”, “if someone could help, it can’t be you, you don’t have the expertise”, “people will look at you strange, might as well move on, it’s a lost cause anyway” and on and on. The other way the predator, takes us out is through discouragement. I became sad, that the bird was dying and was so focused, and for the split second the thought of moving him came to me, all I saw was sidewalk…it was immediately shot down with the thought, “even if you move him, he’s going to die anyway, it doesn’t matter” when I believed that I became discouraged so I had no hope to see anything else. I no longer believed so I didn’t act. Who cares that much to shoot down our thoughts so quickly, when we want to do something noble, caring and loving? Satan, that’s who. (Someone is like ok Imade….it’s just a bird, it’s not that deep….but hold on, it is) The greatness in an attack is when the opponent has no idea he or she is even being attacked! The predator enjoys the prey thinking it’s not there, or that he/she even has a predator! The predator first and foremost always wants an easy kill, so you and I not knowing that we’re even in a battle is A ok with the enemy…why wouldn’t it be, he is out to kill, steal, and destroy. (make no mistake, that never changes) God is so good, that in that fraction of time, He has given me insight to help us see and expose our predator and his attacks, I am grateful. So here are some helpful tips!


You CAN do something! Even when we do nothing we are doing something…so you might as well do the kind and wonderful thing you wanted to doJ Example…I saw a woman in a church I was visiting, and she was crying and you could tell her heart was broken. It didn’t matter that she was a stranger, and I couldn’t fix her problem, and I may not ever see her again. When you feel that tug on your heart to do something (which is the Lord) please do it, it always makes a difference (why else would the enemy say it won’t). So I went to her and gave her a hug, and said I prayed for you. She was touched, and so was I. She like that bird was alive just like me, and she too was struggling to make it, and it that small act, I (like my friend did for the bird), brought her comfort. 

 lion running after prey Quotes

Don’t accept negative thoughts, don’t allow them in, it’s a trick. Remember every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord, so when a thought says…”you can’t”…“nothing can be done, so don’t even try”…. “it doesn’t matter” It does matter, this is a lie in hopes to keep you afraid, keep you immobile, and rob you of the joy and fulfillment that comes from doing what God put in you to do, whether it be a simple smile to a stranger, or the fulfilling your dreams. Satan wants to rob you, discourage and keep you hopeless. When we become hopeless, (like I did) we no longer believe and we won’t do anything. Oh but dear friends be encouraged, God has sent me to give you hope! He loves you with an all consuming passionate love and wants you to live, He is for you! (Hence why I am writing you)


Must-Win Battles as Model of Strategy

So know that you are always in a battle, and yes you are always being hunted...deception and lies are key characteristics of his attacks. All of satan’s great evil for us can’t even compare to the great love Christ has for us. He will help you in any situation, go to Him because you are safe, it is in Him that you will find rest for your soul. The greater reason for the bird experience was simply to be able to encourage you today that it does matter. There are many people like that bird who are dying, go and comfort them in whatever way God is telling you to, because it will comfort them, and it will bless and enrich you too. Don’t be afraid of man, what people might say. God wouldn’t have given you the idea if He didn’t believe you could do it. I believe in you too, now GO because I know you can.

In His love,


Wednesday, October 7, 2015


It's been so long as I could not get into my account...but praise God I'm back. How I've missed you all, and we have so much to catch up on. Just a quick house rule...when I write about the peace corps these are my words and do not represent the Peace Corps, and everything I write will not be about the Peace Corps, instead whatever God lays on my heart. 

As some of you may know I was locked out of my account and therefore I was not able to write on my blog as it is connected. Well let me share as quickly as possible what the Lord just taught me through all of this.

When I first noticed something was wrong was four months ago and when I was around electricity which is not often, I would try and regain access, and when I couldn't I would get so frustrated. Well an unfortunate thing happen to me while painting.....I cut my leg in the village and so I had to immediately come to the nearest city with a hospital to inspect my leg and make sure I would be ok....they thought I would need stitches on and on and on....I'll try and post a pic....oh and by the way, I'm doing fine and healing nicely. The cut was deepest I've ever done but still considered superficial. So continue praying with me and believing for no scarring. 

Like I stated, I would become angry because I couldn't write, but this time was different. I fought to stay calm and I thanked God to be in an area where I had free internet access with no time limit, and for the ability to try again to get into my account. Well long story short just now, just now I gained access and I started writing immediately...and also updated things so this wouldn't happen again:)

What I learned is what I knew already but wasn't doing, being grateful STILL! Yes it was very annoying and frustrating but there were so many other things happening that were good. For one what great protection google has in place because it was hard settling this, next was I was given all of those opportunities to keep trying and now I'm back. So to keep this short....let's remember to find the positive things in our tough situations, be thankful for all of our opportunities, keeping knocking down those No's until you get that Yes! It feels so good!

Well friends be encouraged....there's more to come and pics to maybe just one of pics. I'm so happy I really haven't proofed this...and I'm an English teacher...whoops.

I love ya
