and the Prey
arrival of visiting a dear friend, as I was walking to her house, I saw a dead
bird. Initially I was shocked because I don’t often see dead birds along the
sidewalk, a woodpecker at that. But there he was. I was a little sad, but
really didn’t give myself time to process it but I knew I felt bad that he was
dead on the sidewalk. After embracing my friend, who I hadn’t seen in months, I
told her there was a dead bird on the sidewalk. After a closer look, she
quickly saw that the bird was not dead, then I looked and I saw his little
chest moving, now I was sad. It was a male woodpecker, he had become my friend
and he was dying. This little bird was a living creature, had breath in his
body, just like me, we both had life but his was ending and I didn’t think
there was anything I could do. As these thoughts went through my mind, my
friend said, “I can’t leave him here like this”. After talking with another neighbor who had
also seen our Mr. Woody (he was the woodpecker that Woody the Woodpecker based
off of) he presumed with all of the hawks that fly around, that he probably was
attacked by a hawk, a much larger bird. I learned a great deal from this
experience, which in reality was only about five minutes or less, but I would
like to share it with you.
soon as my friend said, “I can’t leave him here” she picked up our dear one who
was not long to be in this world and placed him in the crevice of a bedding,
off the busy sidewalk, in the shade, and laid him as comfortably as she could,
as he had an injury to his head and one of his wings. Hearing her words, “I can’t leave him here” I
thought, why didn’t I think of that? Where was I, where did I go? I kept
thinking there was nothing I could do. The Lord revealed to me, “you did think
that, I gave you that thought too” and sure enough I remembered the quick
passing thought. We can be so focused on the horror of the situation, that we
stand still, and unfortunately do nothing but gaze at it. Then this thought
came, “well moving him didn’t do much good, he still was going to die”….but
truthfully that thought comes because we didn’t do anything, in order to
justify the paralysis. Where did that thought come from though? Seeing her
gently move him to a comforting place of rest was transformative. I can always
do something, who told me I couldn’t?
too have a predator and many times his attacks are not direct, in the way we
expect. Sometimes like in this case he can implant thoughts that say things
like, “no need in trying, nothing can be done”, “if someone could help, it
can’t be you, you don’t have the expertise”, “people will look at you strange,
might as well move on, it’s a lost cause anyway” and on and on. The other way
the predator, takes us out is through discouragement. I became sad, that the
bird was dying and was so focused, and for the split second the thought of
moving him came to me, all I saw was
sidewalk…it was immediately shot down with the thought, “even if you move him,
he’s going to die anyway, it doesn’t matter” when I believed that I became
discouraged so I had no hope to see anything else. I no longer believed so I
didn’t act. Who cares that much to shoot down our thoughts so quickly, when we
want to do something noble, caring and loving? Satan, that’s who. (Someone is
like ok Imade….it’s just a bird, it’s not that deep….but hold on, it is) The
greatness in an attack is when the opponent has no idea he or she is even being
attacked! The predator enjoys the prey thinking it’s not there, or that he/she
even has a predator! The predator first and foremost always wants an easy kill,
so you and I not knowing that we’re even in a battle is A ok with the enemy…why
wouldn’t it be, he is out to kill, steal, and destroy. (make no mistake, that
never changes) God is so good, that in that fraction of time, He has given me
insight to help us see and expose our predator and his attacks, I am grateful.
So here are some helpful tips!
CAN do something! Even when we do
nothing we are doing something…so you might as well do the kind and wonderful
thing you wanted to doJ Example…I saw a woman in a
church I was visiting, and she was crying and you could tell her heart was
broken. It didn’t matter that she was a stranger, and I couldn’t fix her
problem, and I may not ever see her again. When you feel that tug on your heart
to do something (which is the Lord) please do it, it always makes a difference
(why else would the enemy say it won’t). So I went to her and gave her a hug,
and said I prayed for you. She was touched, and so was I. She like that bird was
alive just like me, and she too was struggling to make it, and it that small
act, I (like my friend did for the bird), brought her comfort.
accept negative thoughts, don’t allow them in, it’s a trick. Remember every
good and perfect gift comes from the Lord, so when a thought says…”you can’t”…“nothing
can be done, so don’t even try”…. “it doesn’t matter” It does matter, this is a
lie in hopes to keep you afraid, keep you immobile, and rob you of the joy and
fulfillment that comes from doing what God put in you to do, whether it be a
simple smile to a stranger, or the fulfilling your dreams. Satan wants to rob
you, discourage and keep you hopeless. When we become hopeless, (like I did) we
no longer believe and we won’t do anything. Oh but dear friends be encouraged,
God has sent me to give you hope! He loves you with an all consuming passionate
love and wants you to live, He is for you! (Hence why I am writing you)
know that you are always in a battle, and yes you are always being
hunted...deception and lies are key characteristics of his attacks. All of
satan’s great evil for us can’t even compare to the great love Christ has for
us. He will help you in any situation, go to Him because you are safe, it is in
Him that you will find rest for your soul. The greater reason for the bird
experience was simply to be able to encourage you today that it does matter. There
are many people like that bird who are dying, go and comfort them in whatever
way God is telling you to, because it will comfort them, and it will bless and
enrich you too. Don’t be afraid of man, what people might say. God wouldn’t
have given you the idea if He didn’t believe you could do it. I believe in you
too, now GO because I know you can.
His love,
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